

Far too often I hear people utter the phrase, "I disagree with homosexuality."  My mind immediately enters a state of both confusion and concern.  There is no way around it - people who use that phrase are ill-informed and need to be corrected upon saying those four words.  

Please allow me to explain myself.  When people say they "disagree with homosexuality" it infers that there is some sort of choice involved on the part of gay people.  That somehow there is a choice we all, as humans, make about our sexuality.  One day we all wake up and decide if we are going to be straight or gay.  I certainly do not need to go into the ridiculousness that is that line of thinking.  Homosexuality is not a choice, it is not a mental disorder.  This is supported by the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Psychological Association.

So if in fact homosexuality is not a choice, and we know it is not, then what is there to disagree with?  It seems that the statement of disagreeing with homosexuality is as blatantly ridiculous as saying you don't agree with someone being black or having blue eyes.  It's just the way people are, there is nothing they can do about it (contrary to the beliefs of certain religious groups).  Disagreeing with the way in which a person is born?  Doesn't make much sense to me.

The notion that homosexuality is a choice and that it is even possible for people to "disagree" with it needs to stop being taught.  

Perhaps we should say we disagree with heterosexuality.  Doesn't make much sense does it?


Andrea said...

I completely agree. It's ridiculous that people think it's a choice. I love how open you are on here.

Love the blog, am a total blog-stalker now :) But not in a scary way, I promise!!

Casey said...

I'm so glad you read my blog, and I always appreciate your comments. Share with your friends, all stalkers are welcome!