As you will have noticed from my earlier posts in the week, I have been fairly disappointed with the DNC. I felt there was a lot of wasted time each night and I wanted a more focused message. With each night things got better, and after tonight I say: What a convention!
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of the Clintons. I thought they both gave remarkable speeches at the convention that, if the Democrats win, will have played a very important role. There's a huge part of me that will always wish that Hillary would have been the nominee.
That being said, this convention was a major turning point for me and I can now say, without reservation, that I am prepared to fully support Barack Obama.
One thing that I have noticed, throughout this campaign, is how truly impressive the Obama campaign has been run. They don't screw up. Sure, there have been a few miss steps here and there, but I get the impression that everything is so well thought out and planned. Obama's speech this evening was certainly the most impressive political event that I've seen. I had fear that it was going to be a bit too much, perhaps crossing the line of being tasteful. I was wrong - class all the way.
Tonight was a great night for Democrats, but more, it was a great night for America. Barack Obama laid out his vision for this nation. A nation that just ten years ago was thriving and experiencing some of its best moments. Most of that now - destroyed. Tonight, Obama answered those who asked what change meant and he proved to me that he is ready to throw down with John McCain.
"Tonight, tonight, I say to the people of America, to Democrats and Republicans and Independents across this great land: Enough." This was one of my favorite lines in the speech. Enough is right! This is our country, not Bush and Cheney's. It is time we take it back and restore the dignity and integrity America once stood for.
Another favorite, " Now, I don't believe that Senator McCain doesn't care what's going on in the lives of Americans; I just think he doesn't know." So true.
I think that Republicans are going to have a difficult time answering the Democrats next week. We ended our convention on such a high note. I realize that the election is basically at a dead heat, but I have to think tonight changed that.
"So I've got news for you, John McCain: We all put our country first." This was another section in the speech that I really liked. Republicans have horrible policies for middle class Americans, so they ALWAYS attack their opponents patriotism; it gets really old. Why would someone run for the presidency of the United States if he or she didn't love this country?? It's a ridiculous accusation to make and I'm very glad Obama called them out on it.
Well, as I said, this was going to be one of those rambley posts. I'm very anxious to see what the next days bring. Will Obama get a bounce from tonight? How will the Republicans respond next week? Will we wake up to a different America tomorrow? It feels like it at the moment.
In the words of Tim Russert, "What a country."