
DNC - Day 1

The Democrats have gathered in Denver and the 2008 convention has officially been called to order by Chairman Dean. I flipped between CNN, MSNBC, Fox (only to see what ridiculous things they were saying) NBC, and CSPAN. I honestly can't get enough of the talking heads (I can only dream of joining their ranks one day) spewing forth endless commentary on the smallest of details; all of them claiming to have the key to each candidates success or predicting the next move - when in fact no one really ever knows what's going to happen. This is exactly what makes it so exciting: the experts can guess, but only the voters decide.

I was indeed glued to the television last night, but it wasn't because of brilliant programming on behalf of the DNC. I must say that I agree with two of my favorite political analysts, David Gergen and James Carville, in their assessment of the first night of the convention. It seems that a lot of time was wasted and little to no substance was offered.

Of course, Senator Kennedy's appearance was one that most won't forget and Michelle Obama gave a beautiful, eloquent speech that perhaps allowed more Americans some insight into the Obama family. But did the Democrats plead their case to the voters of America or for that matter, did they even deliver an opening statement? Let me just say that I don't think people woke up this morning energized by the Democratic platform - because it wasn't discussed.

I look forward to Day 2 of the convention (Hillary is speaking!). I hope that this evening the Democrats offer a little more "red meat" as Carville would say. We all know that next week in St. Paul the Republicans will come out swinging and swing harder with each passing day. If you recall in 2004 Senator Kerry's convention didn't attack President Bush at all, while at their convention the Republicans went after Kerry and the Democrats, and well, we all know how that story ended.

My point is that perhaps the Democrats need to toughen up a bit. We have tried to "take the high road" while the Republicans attack us at every level they can. The result has been them having the White House for the past 8 years and driving the country into the ground. I'm not suggesting that we make personal attacks, but can we get down and dirty about the issues, please? Can we plead our case with some strength and conviction that not only inspires but also educates voters about what Democrats will do to get the country back on track.

Well, I'm starting to ramble a bit, and while I could go on forever about this - I will stop for now.

Be sure to tune in tonight to see Senator Hillary Clinton show the Democrats how to do it!

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